Tuesday 1 March 2016


This is my individual question 1 and 2

This is my individual question 3

This was the group question 4 and 5
This is my individual question 6

This is the group question 7

Friday 12 February 2016

ED NW-Group 1 Inscription Final Cut

  • This is our final piece edited we fixed the problems with the sound and made some more adjustments to the piece including; extending sound bridges, dissolving images of letters and photos to create a more visual link and adding diegetic sound to the images of the knife cutting the photos.
  • We also ended up cutting the end of the opening as we though it made it much more of an effective ending.

NW ED - Reflection on editing

  • Since our last editing post we have come a long way in terms of sound for our opening sequence. All the sound has now been added, both diegetic and non diegetic.
  • Some of the sounds include; rain, high pitched ringing, suspense building, piano notes, whispering, heavy breathing, scratching pen on paper, knife cuts to paper and the sound of the door slamming, amongst others.
  • By using so many different sounds and having to layer them all, we did have difficulties when exporting the film as sometimes the sound cut out or came in at the wrong time. To overcome this we had to change the way we exported the film and split the audio and video so that the sound would work effectively.
  • We also made some editing changes since we added the footage from our second shoot, this meant we could incorporate the track shot at the beginning and replace the canted angle shot that was originally not stable.
  • We have also tried to increase the cutting rate towards the end of the sequence to create more tension as well as adding transitions of dissolve over some of the shots to create a visual link between them.

Tuesday 2 February 2016

ED NW Inscription final cut

  • This is our final cut it still needs some minor changes as we are having some technical difficulties with the sound, the problems may be easy to fix but have had these problems as soon as we had put lots of layered sound on.
  • We are happy at where the moving image is and where are titles are placed and the font so the only changes and improvements we want to make are with sound.